Comprehensive Exams

Comprehensive Eye Health Examinations

  • One of our main goals is to help everyone achieve their highest visual potential. That is not possible without regular comprehensive eye examinations to check for any ocular health concerns in addition to assessing the need for vision correction.

  • We provide complete eye care for all ages. During your examination Dr. Ortiz will check every part of your eye for any problems.

  • Your visual function will be carefully evaluated and vision correction options (glasses, contact lenses, etc.) will be discussed if necessary.

  • Early detection of other conditions such as: cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and hypertensive retinopathy is the best way to help you maintain your best vision.

  • Eyes are often called the ‘windows to the soul,‘ but they are also a window into your overall health. Your eyes are the only place your blood vessels can be directly viewed and can signal systemic conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even diabetes. Since many of these conditions often have no symptoms early on, it is recommended that you get your eyes checked every year, even if you have not noticed any changes in your vision.

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